When we’re caught up in our projects and busy professional lives, we can forget that the basics of our work may not be crystal clear to even longtime clients. Rare Patient Voice is a market research recruitment firm specializing in connecting patients and caregivers eager to share their opinions and experiences with clients for their market research needs. Did you know?
– Rare Patient Voice has a panel of more than 100,00 patients and caregivers impacted by over 600 rare as well as non-rare diseases and conditions. They know us and look forward to study opportunities in which they can share their voices.
– When a client needs more patients or caregivers than we currently have in our community, RPV does the outreach to find more, at NO cost to our client.
-RPV was started in the US by Wes Michael in 2013. We’ve since expanded to Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.
-We recruit patients and caregivers at patient events as well as through our referral program with advocacy groups, the word of mouth of patients and caregivers, and social media.
For more on the services Rare Patient Voice offers and how we can help with your recruitment needs, check out the video below.