My name is Keith and I’m an RPV Patient Panelist who’s overcoming Multiple Sclerosis
My choice today is to not be afflicted by MS but to live with MS. To be afflicted to me – and I was there for many years – is to be a victim of something or taking captive forced into it – and I’m not a victim of MS anymore. I still have MS, yes I do, and it will rear its ugly head. But my choice is that I’m going to live with it. I’m going to push ahead with my life and I’m not going to give it any more then it’s already taken. Now don’t get me wrong, MS may take more from me. But it’s going to have to take it with me kicking and screaming because I’m not going to give it up anymore. This is my life. I choose to live with MS. And it’s a choice. It’s a choice just like choosing to be positive is a choice. Sometimes, I don’t get there. But I choose to be positive. I choose to live with MS and not be a victim of MS anymore.