Rare Patient Voice has grown and evolved as a company over the years. Here is a top 10 list of our most impactful current facts!
- Rare Patient Voice has over 100,000 patients and family caregivers who have signed up to take part in all kinds of research studies.
- Our patients and family caregivers represent more than 1,400 diseases and conditions.
- Those diseases and conditions include ones both rare and non-rare.
- RPV is now in nine countries: the U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, New Zealand, and Australia.
- We’ve paid patients and family caregivers over $10 million for their participation in research studies since 2013.
- In 2023, we raised the honoraria paid to patients and family caregivers for taking part in studies to $120 per hour (typically).
- We work with more than 3,000 referral partners – patient advocacy organizations, support groups, individuals – to help spread the word about joining RPV.
- We take privacy and security seriously. We never sell personal information and are ISO27001 certified.
- RPV has serviced 1,000+ clients and worked on 7,500+ projects over the past decade.
- In 2023, we are celebrating our tenth anniversary all year long!