We interrupt your regularly scheduled Linked In reading with this news update. Rare Patient Voice has now paid out over 4.1 million dollars to patients and caregivers for taking part in our surveys!
Considering we reward patients at the rate of $100 per hour, that is a lot of patients doing a lot of surveys!
Remember, we like to pay our patients with a good, old-fashioned paper check, sent in the mail. Patients tell us that they need this to pay co-pays and rent. Gift cards don’t help for those expenses.
And we like that they help us prevent fraud. Someone in Russia could get 100 Gmail addresses in a minute and get on a panel and take a survey many times. But we meet our patients in person at patient events like walks and conferences, and get referrals from the patients we meet. And when we pay them, the money goes in the mail to an actual home at actual address. It would be difficult for it to go to a Russian 100 times! (Not to pick on the Russians!)
In any event, we are proud that in the 6 years we’ve been around we’ve paid out over 4.1 million dollars to deserving patients and caregivers. Help us pay them more!