Here is the second in our series of LinkedIn Tips and Tricks – how to use Linked In to grow your business.
LinkedIn is a two-way street. You can’t just post your own content and not read anyone else’s. You’ve got to take a look at what others are posting as well. When you like other people’s posts, it helps them spread the word.
One thing I like to do is what I call “hijacking” other people’s posts. That sounds pretty illegal, but it is not as bad as it sounds. When I see someone else’s post that is relevant to what we do, I’ll like it and make a comment. For example, if I see a post with information about a new Parkinson’s drug, I’ll comment: “We have over 700 Parkinson’s patients and caregivers in our panel, who have signed up to give their opinions on new treatments.” That way, people who are interested in the drug are alerted that we are in a position to help them do market research on the topic. We get lots of responses to these comments, and it targets our information to those who might be most interested. So, when we hijack a post, it’s not like we took a plane to Cuba. I think it helps us all!
To get opportunities to do this, you may want to follow companies in the right categories. We follow many of the pharmaceutical companies, so when they make a post about a new treatment, we can comment on it with info about our patient and caregiver population.
Hope this works for you!