As of January 1, 2023, for new studies the honorarium for patients and family caregivers is $120 per hour (typically). What do I least like to hear about – No-shows! … READ MORE
Does Rare Patient Voice have patients with other diseases or conditions?
Many of you probably know that we list the panels and counts on the website. You can go to But what if you are looking for a patient group … READ MORE
What Patient Information Does Rare Patient Voice Collect?
One question we hear often from our clients is, what patient information do we collect? When we sign up patients (and their caregivers) in person at patient events, we have … READ MORE
What is a Handover?
What is a Handover? That may be the question we get most in response to proposals we send! We recruit patients for both qualitative and quantitative studies. When we do … READ MORE
Do We Recruit Caregivers?
Often we talk about patients, but sometimes they can’t speak for themselves. Can we recruit caregivers? The answer is a resounding Yes. For many diseases, the patients are children, and … READ MORE