What is a Handover?
That may be the question we get most in response to proposals we send!
We recruit patients for both qualitative and quantitative studies. When we do qualitative, usually phone or webcam interviews, and sometimes in-person, we offer two different approaches.
One approach we call the Standard approach. The other is a Handover.
First the Standard. This approach is full-service. We fully program your screener, then fully screen and schedule your respondents, sending you a complete grid of their answers and schedule. We remind them by email, phone, and text.
But what if you already have a recruiter in place, or are doing recruiting yourself? Or if you are short on time or budget? Or you might only need a handful of respondents. In those cases, the Handover approach may make more sense.
With a handover, we reach out to the relevant panelists, with just a few questions, 2 or 3, not the entire screener. We can typically get this out the same day, and those who respond and appear to qualify based on the pre-screener we “handover” to you. You (or if you have another recruiter) can then fully screen and schedule them. We’ll continue to send over leads as necessary. You sign a standard PII. This approach is faster (we start giving you leads the next day) and less expensive (one thousand dollars less than standard – the handover set up fee is $250). This is perfect for when you only need a few respondents, we hate to charge for full standard set up in those cases!
We find a majority of our clients now prefer the Handover option to the Standard, so please consider it if you are in a hurry, can handle the full screening, only need a few respondents, or have a tight budget.
We now include details on both the Handover and Standard options on all qualitative proposals. And remember, you can see our pricing on our website. That’s Rarepatientvoice.com, go to the For Researchers tab, and then select Pricing.