“Hey! I’m Lenette at @_lifewithcrohnsdisease_! I began having health issues in my mid-twenties, around 2007. I had an appendectomy with my small intestine adhered to the appendix. IBD was suspected but somehow that fell through the cracks. I began experiencing diarrhea and abdominal pain and I eventually became used to it and it didn’t seem as abnormal as it should have. In 2009, I was diagnosed with a perianal fistula. It was repaired after several surgeries. I had several ER visits after that first severe abdominal pain and the final straw happened with an intestinal blockage in 2013.
I was referred to my current GI doctor. He was wonderful. He listened to my entire story, took notes and then explained that he believed I had Crohn’s disease and gave the reasons why he believed that. He then lined up testing to confirm the diagnosis. I received that confirmation on December 31, 2014. I began Humira in January 2015 and I’m still taking it twice a month to this day!
After continuing to have worsening symptoms, I had an MRE in 2016 that showed extreme stricturing in my small intestines. That fall, I had 12 inches of my small bowel and terminal ileum removed. I had a rough recovery, but once I healed, I felt like a new woman! It’s now been almost six years since my surgery, and besides a few flare ups, some joint pain and fatigue, I have been doing pretty great! I share my journey on Instagram through advocacy and positivity – I’d love for you to join along!”