“My name is Dylan, and I have a condition called MDP that only me and 12 other people have in the world. MDP stands for mandibular dysphasia with deafness and progeroid features. MDP is an extremely rare metabolic disorder. It doesn’t matter what you look on the outside, it matters what is inside you. What would the world be like if everyone was the same? It would be boring. Being different is unique, being different is beautiful, being different isn’t a bad thing, being different makes me special. I get laughed at and bullied because of my condition. I know to stay strong and stay positive. I know to stay strong now because even though it is stormy now, it never rains forever. I won’t let anyone put me down. I will keep my head held high and I will keep my heart strong. I try to raise awareness and spread kindness and positivity because it’s what the world needs the most. Follow @be_yourself_dylan”