I’ve thanked our clients and patients, but let me also thank our vendors! We couldn’t accomplish what we do without them.
Let me give them credit for all they do.
Savanta programs all the long screeners and scheduling tools for us.
Q One Tech built our data base, which makes doing our studies so much more efficient. And they built PAM, our DIY automated proposal tool, which enables clients to get their own proposals, and enables our folks to also do proposals. They patiently listen to all of our questions and show us how to do what we need to do, and then we ask them again. They keep adding features that make our jobs easier.
Payroll Services figures out all the different state laws that affect all of our employees, especially the Patient Advocate Team part-timers who are spread across dozens of states across the country.
WhatNext has partnered with us for 6 years. They have the wonderful cancer patient website where we find many of our cancer patients and caregivers.
Kevin at Core View Tech keeps all of our laptops running and makes sure we are protected.
Blackhorse Graphics prints our materials for patient and client events, our sign up sheets, signage, business cards.
Incheck sends out all of our checks to patients, very efficiently, and with great customer service.
PSA and Kelly Associates handle our insurance – both for business and healthcare.
Vanguard does our Simple IRA program so we can save for retirement.
We order gift cards for new signups from Incomm, which works great.
We fly Southwest and take the Megabus. Thanks to them for keeping prices low and still offering good service so we can get around the country.
Our bank is PNC, thanks to them for keeping our money safe!
Social SEO has helped us with targeted Facebook campaigns to find patients and caregivers.
UPS ships our materials to our Patient Advocates and to various conferences.
4imprint makes our wonderful orange Rare Patient Voice ballpoint pens, that we give out at events.
Ezentria helps us get accredited as an ISO 27001 company.
I’m sure I missed some, sorry about that. But thanks to all the companies who help us do what we do!