When I was a kid there was a memorable ad for the Volkswagen Beetle. Like everything, I found it on YouTube, here is a link to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABcckOTVqao Looks like it was from 1964. Of course, in those days they were all 60-second ads, which seems like an eternity today.
It goes like this: As the Beetle drives in the dark morning on a snow-covered road, the narrator asks, “Have you ever wondered how the man who drives the snowplow drives to the snowplow? This one drives a Volkswagen. So, you can stop wondering.” And that’s all the words in the entire ad.
The reason I thought of that iconic ad is, have you ever wondered how your sample company gets those rare patients and caregivers? Many come to Rare Patient Voice! Now you can stop wondering!
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