Reinventing Patient Centricity: Bringing patient-led business models to life, by Sharon Suchotliff and Hensley Evans
We hear a lot about patient centricity these days. A Google search on the term results in 1.7 million results! Every life sciences conference I attend has a talk or two about it. And I think it is about time! For years, pharma companies focused on the physician, as they were the key decision makers, they prescribed the products. It was “push” marketing. But times have changed. Patients have access to more information. Many have become empowered to have a say in their treatment. And in the US, direct-to-consumer marketing, those ads that suggest you ask your doctor about XYZ so that you, too, can smile as you run on the beach, has spurred that trend for 25 years.
Sharon Suchotliff and Hensley Evans, and their colleagues at ZS, have written Reinventing Patient Centricity – Bringing patient-le business models to life to help life sciences companies understand patient centricity and bring it to life in the companies. This will be a good guide for the MBAs at pharma, as it breaks PC down and gives the details to get it right, in the form of a good textbook. What I like best are the actual patient stories that lead off many of the chapters. I get drawn in to personal stories, and I learn best from deducing from an example. So even though statistics are important (and they are generously displayed throughout the book), I’ve found that many people make decisions more based on emotional reactions to stories.
The last section of the book is ”Making Patient Centricity a Reality.” This is the key, turning these thoughts into actions. This should be considered the blueprint for life sciences companies who want to commit to putting the patient at the center of what they offer.
The book is available at Amazon:
–Wes Michael, President, Rare Patient Voice