Every conference we go to, I get a lot of people telling me, “I see you all the time on Linked In!” I sometimes wonder if that is a good thing. But I can’t question the results!
Over the past few months we have put out a lot of content on Linked In. Videos about our methods and practices, about the diseases, and best of all, videos that our patients have made themselves. Pam and I have increased our Linked In connections to well over 5,000 each.
And the results? We keep finding new clients, and more connections among our current clients. We have added 100 clients in the past 12 months, we now have 480 clients, and much of that is due to our Linked In strategy. And by clients, I mean companies that have done projects with us, not just proposal requests.
Some of you may receive our email newsletters. I thought that was the best way to spread information. However, I found that many of the email addresses we have are out of date, after comparing them to Linked In. Many people have of course moved from one company to another, and I found that most of those emails don’t bounce, they just don’t go to the people you want them to. But Linked In follows people wherever they go! And when we go to a conference, of course we collect business cards and add people to our newsletter list. But we can invite even those who don’t come to our booth to link in – many conferences provide a list of attendees’ names.
Of course, not everyone pays a lot of attention to each post. At least I hope not! But our message is simple – if you need patients, we can recruit them for you! So, spreading this message has worked!
I’m more of a reader than a video person. But video is what many people want to see now! So, we do videos. We work with Andrew Hayes of CueVu who has a system that makes it very easy to do a video on your phone. It takes the mystery out of it for patients, they don’t have to figure out how to download, they just push a button. Thanks, Andrew!
And a special thanks also to Colleen McKenna of Intero Advisory who taught us how Linked In works, and guided our strategy!