Laura is a seasoned marketing and communications professional with a background that spans the rare disease, nonprofit, and book publishing spaces. She joined Rare Patient Voice in 2021 and currently serves as Director of Marketing and Communications. Laura earned a BA in English Literature from Queens College of the City University of New York, and worked for a NYC market research firm part-time during her college years. At RPV, her focus is on industry recognition and promoting the company and its leadership through a variety of communications vehicles including social media, newsletters, press releases, webinars, videos, and media interviews.
- Hobbies: Cooking, exercise, bingeing the latest streaming show and discussing afterwards, keeping up with pop culture
- Likes: Playing cards, HGTV, 80’s alternative rock music, books, brunch
- Dislikes: Closed minds, bad grammar and manners, bears
- Fun Fact: I was a book publicist in a previous life and at one point worked with a captain of the Starship Enterprise.