We at Rare Patient Voice are used to attending hundreds of patient events every year. Walks, conferences, educational symposia. Of course, they are all cancelled this year, some have become virtual events. But we still have many studies to offer – we had 100 in July! And we are always interested in adding more patients and caregivers to our panel. So please help us out. If you know others – friends, relatives, others in your support group – who might be interested in taking part in confidential studies, pass on the word to them. They will get a $5 gift card for signing up, and be paid $100 for hour of their time for taking part. And you will get $5 (gift card or cash) for each person you send who signs up! So it’s a win/win/win. Your friend gets to help progress in treating their condition, plus gets paid, and you get paid also. And we grow Rare Patient Voice.
Those who sign up can say who referred them. And we can send you a unique link to use so that we’ll know the referral was from you. We don’t want anyone to miss on getting a reward. We’ve paid patients and caregivers over $4.8 million since we got started.