As of January 1, 2023, for new studies the honorarium for patients and family caregivers is $120 per hour (typically).
If you have MS, you need to check out the Facebook page of a group called We’re Not Drunk, We Have MS. They share important information for MS patients and caregivers, and give them a place to share their experiences to help others. We’ve partnered with the group for over 5 years and we love them! They post from time to time to their members to let them know they can take part in our studies. We’ve been able to contribute over $10,000 to We’re Not Drunk for their referrals since that time.
I chuckle each time I say the name, We’re Not Drunk, We Have MS. I can only imagine, they were so tired of people saying, what is wrong with you are your drunk? They are not! They have MS!
We invite We’re Not Drunk patients and caregivers to take part in Rare Patient Voice surveys. You get to voice your opinions on your experiences and react to new treatments in development. All from the comfort of your home through online surveys and telephone and webcam interviews. And you get rewarded for it! We pay patients at the rate of $100 per hour.
Best of all, your confidential information is never shared. Clients only have an ID code, not your name
Some of our Rare Patient Voice team members have MS. I’m always amazed at what they can accomplish while fighting this menacing disease.