On February 16, CISCRP hosted the webinar “Straight Talk on Clinical Trials: Patient Perspectives on Study Participation,” moderated by Wes Michael of Rare Patient Voice and Mike Wenger of Informa Pharma Intelligence and featuring patient and advocate panelists. The presentation included key takeaways of a recent RPV/Informa patient survey, discussion of patient issues and insights, and a Q&A. The chat section was lively and so many questions came in during the program that not all were able to be answered, so post event, CISCRP, RPV, and Informa issued a Q&A document addressing all of the questions that came in.
The archived webinar can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgx8BKVrpOs&t=1s
The Q&A can be found here: Straight Talk on Clinical Trials Q&A 3.1.22